The plot is pretty basic. In the future people have decided they'd rather watch robot's fight than actual people (why this is, is never adequately explained. Its difficult for me to believe that watching guys play video games will ever replace a real live fight, Its not like battle bots was tremendously popular, but whatever). Hugh Jackman is a washed up boxer, fighting robots around the country with the occasional help of Kate From Lost (Note, the actress who plays her will always be Kate from lost. She's not quite good enough to ever escape the role so I hope she just accepts it). Eventually a son he never knew shows up, they fight, they bond, they find an old robot and turn it into a fighter, etc. Nothing new here, all that matters is whether or not there's enough Robot on Robot action. There is, and its much better executed than say, Transformers (i.e. I could actually tell what was going on), and that's good. But man is the film too long. Over two hours. They should have chopped a half an hour out (anything involving the Robot dancing would have been fine) and it would have been so much better. Also, as much as they tried, I couldn't get that emotionally involved in what robot won the fight. I mean I love my quesadilla as much as the next guy, but if it suddenly got beat up by the neighbor's Cuisinart I can't say I'd be that broken up (not as much as the quesadilla maker at least - zing).
But whatever, its more watchable than you think, and features some of the most blatantly self-aware product placement I've ever seen. And if there's one thing I can always appreciate, its wholesale selling out.