Out of a sort of, I don't know what, fascination I've been watching the first season of this show. Its nowhere near the best thing I've seen this year, but its sort of an interesting fiasco. It varies wildly between an interesting (occasionally accurate and compelling) look at the lives of performers putting together a broadway show, and wildly histrionic melodrama. Throw in the fact that each episode features a fair amount of original songs (along with usually one cover) and you have something that is the, at the very least, unique. I think it could work (and sometimes it does) but about half the cast is actually bad (and I hate to say this includes Angelica Huston, thought this may have more to do with the writing), and a good chunk of the characters are legitimately psychotic. Debra Messing's character in particular may be one of the worst people ever (cheats on her husband twice, acts like a victim, whining constantly) and she's portrayed as one of the shows sympathetic centers.
All that said, my biggest annoyance with the show is its obsession with the idea that Marilyn Monroe is some sort of metaphor for, well, everything. Every time a character has a problem someone says something to the effect of "Well Marilyn had it tough too, and she was able to succeed." Maybe its because I don't really find her all that interesting, but I refuse to believe that hard core theater professionals would spend so much time obsessing over what the subject of their musical would have done.
I don't know if I'll stay with the show. If it strips out all the melodrama and just focused on trying to portray the struggle professionals have with putting on a major production, interspersed with generous musical interludes, it could be interesting. Right now I watch it more for the inconsistencies, and general tonal schizophrenia but I'm not sure that'll be enough to keep me going for the rest of the season. Unfortunately I think its going to go the way of Glee and embrace its showier elements abandoning the compelling elements.
Anyway here's a list of stuff I've been watching that is actually good:
Parks & Recreation
Awake - really great pilot, decent but not as good follow up episodes
Mad Men
Happy Endings
New Girl - I was out on this one early,but jumped back in and was pleasantly surprised
The Good Wife - Excellent, looking forward to catching up with the first two seasons
And the others:
Walking Dead - Really inconsistent, and I almost gave up on it but the season finale introduced enough interesting elements that I may be back in.
The Office - I hate to say it, but I think this show might need to die. It's had some moments (The florida episodes in particular) but they've been outweighed by the bad.
30 Rock - Actually enjoying the show more than I ever have in the past. May just because I need an office replacement.