TSN (I only did that because I realized the film's initial's were the same as The Sporting News, and makes it sound like a network on The Newsroom. I'm clever) is a generally enjoyable film about a functioning high school alcoholic who ends up falling for a sheltered classmate. The best things the film has going for it are the two leads (whose names I"m not going to bother to look up). They have the benefit of actually looking like high schoolers (or, at worst, sophomores in college), and do a great job capturing the subtlety of the characters. This subtlety is generally matched by the pace of the film and I appreciated how for most of the first half it didn't feel the need to put an explanation point on the drinking, or the main character's general sense of disillusionment and fear of the future. Unfortunately the last half hour or so devolves into a combination of a PSA and the ending of Good Will Hunting which undercuts the restraint the rest of the film exhibited. Its still worth watching just because the two leads are so good, but I wish it had stuck to the earlier feel and not felt the need to shift tones so dramatically.
Also because I like to appear like a discerning pop culture fan I'm obligated to mention the Bubbles from the wire plays a math teacher. #stuffwhitepeoplelike
Also because I like to appear like a discerning pop culture fan I'm obligated to mention the Bubbles from the wire plays a math teacher. #stuffwhitepeoplelike