Saturday, February 28, 2015

Another mass dump (phrasing)

I"m obviously incapable of maintaining any consistency of posts anymore (Cocaine's a hell of a drug) so here's some quick hits:

Top Five

Generally enjoyed it, but the plot is the least interesting part. The 'Chris Rock does Woody Allen' description that's been floating around is apt (and a good thing)


The further I get from it, the less impressed I am. There's some strong performances, and its technically interesting, but ultimately comes off as a biiiit too pleased with itself.

The Gambler

Wholly watchable and forgettable.  But I kept getting thrown by the scenes shot on the USC campus. In particular the placement of a parking lot and bus stop where there is only a pedestrian walkway.


Well done, though the cameos get out of control.

American Sniper


Inherant Vice

I would have to be in a very particular mood to get through this, and I ended up walking out 45 minutes in. I'll give it another shot when it comes on HBO, and this is the third PTA film in a row I haven't been that impressed with. On the other, this (and to a lesser extent Birdman) is exactly the kind of thing I would have loved (or professed to love) when I was in college. I was a pretty douchey undergrad.

Jupiter Ascending

A mess, but at least the Wachowski's tried. Actually way more incoherent than Cloud Atlas (which I actually enjoyed) and it seems like quite a bit was cut (not that it would have helped). Still prefer a fiasco like this to something rote and boring. Like your mom.