Saturday, September 18, 2010


Machete is an interesting, generally entertaining film, that can pretty much be described as the first 'pro-immigration reform-sploitation' movie ever made. Seriously more than anything, Machete is an old-school propaganda film, much like the old Frank Capra 'Why We Fight' Series except, you know, with more blood, gardening implements, and nudity. Like any good propaganda film Machete has zero subtlety (it features the line 'We didn't cross the border- the border crossed us) and portrays the anti-immigrant forces as being willing to shoot pregnant migrants as they cross the border. It also includes just enough factual touches (the campaign commercials for the anti-immigration senator will probably inspire a few tea-partiers) to make you think a bit (but to be honest not that much, its film called machete for crying out loud).

Anyway as for the film itself there's actually not too much to say. It has the charmingly low-budget aesthetic of most of Robert Rodriguez's work, and generally has a nice sense of humor about itself along with some well staged action scenes. Its also somewhat disjointed, is about twenty minutes too long, and in some ways indulges in as many hispanic stereotypes as Carlos Mencia. Of course it also has a very fat Steven Segal (I can't over-emphasize how fat he is, its mesmerizing. Most of his shots are close up and you can still feel his gravitational pull) as a mexican drug kingpin so you have to love that. Anyway its worth checking out as an example of a form of propaganda you rarely see any more. Just check out this trailer.

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