Thursday, April 7, 2011


Paul is kind of a tweener film. Its not that great, but it isn't bad either. I generally laughed at the appropriate times, and found certain aspects reasonably clever, but when all was said and done it didn't really stick with me. Its certainly nowhere near as good as the previous Nick Frost and Simon Pegg collaborations (Sean of the Dead and Hot Fuzz), but in general its reasonably entertaining. It is a little bloated at two hours (the beginning twenty minutes in particular are draggy) and I would have been fine cutting at least two of the ancillary characters, but (this is more equivocating than the women I date) I still generally enjoyed myself. The parts that work best are just when the characters are allowed to hang out and riff (and I'm including the CGI alien played by Seth Rogen in the group) and not try to push what is actually a pretty thin plot forward.

The only other thing I want to say is that one of my brother's name is Paul and we were actually together for a wedding the day the film opened. My other brothers and I then spent approximately 15 hours making a variation of the "Hey did you hear Paul came out today?" joke. A combined 18 years of post secondary education between us. This country is screwed.

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