Saturday, January 9, 2010

Sherlock Holmes

Overall this was an entertaining, if slight, film that featured some enjoyable performances and, thankfully, did not include a wacky minority sidekick. Robert Downey Jr. (Holmes) spends the film doing a riff on his Iron Man persona (which is not a bad thing) and the film places him and Jude Law (Watson) in a entertaining 'guy love' (I refuse to use the term bro-mance) relationship a-la Turk and J.D. from Scrubs (shut up I like that show). The actual mystery isn't all that original or clever (especially the big twist that will not surprise anyone who saw the classic A-Team episode where the team is captured by the military and sentenced to death) but its good enough to keep the story rolling and director Guy Ritchie does a nice job using slow motion to document Holmes' thought processes which is ultimately what differentiates these stories from the typical crime drama.

I have two other tangential points to make. First, I respect that the writers have everyone refer to the main character as 'Holmes' (because lets be honest, it would be difficult to take the supposed genius seriously if he was constantly called by his first name) but would it really have been too much to throw in one 'No Shit Sherlock'? Really? I mean this sort of film practically begs for it.

Second, I liked that they cast a 'normal' looking woman as Watson's fiancee, and not the typical maxim model. Or maybe I just say that because they cast a British maxim model.

Oh yeah, one more thing, this made me laugh:

Watson: And wear a jacket
Holmes (in the manner of a petulant child): You wear a jacket

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