This is very much an Aaron Sorkin film, and how you feel about that is going to determine how much you enjoy it. For me its a positive, and had anybody else written it I probably wouldn't have been that interested about seeing a film framed around two intellectual property lawsuits. In Sorkin's hands though the story has the brisk, wordy, pacing of a Woody Allen film. I had a lot more to say about this earlier, but its been two weeks since I've seen it and now I don't feel like dancing for you guys. Its good, I'm sure the veracity is questionable, and its really annoying that Justin Timberlake is enjoyable. Can't that guy suck at something? Wait he wrote Sexy Back, so I guess he sucks at music. Nevermind.
Anvil: The Story of Anvil
This documentary follows a real canadian heavy metal man, Anvil, 25 years after they had their brief brush with notoriety. The film itself isn't really that well made (its pretty obvious where certain scenes have been replayed for the camera), but the two main guys aggressively trying to still make it as rock stars when reality is abviously against them are so compelling that the films shortcoming almost don't matter. Seriously these guys are such true believers that it took me a few minutes to realize that this wasn't a parody. If you see it playing on VH-1 between replays of Rock of Love check it out.
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