Monday, May 9, 2011


When I was in playing in the percussion section in the band at Martin Luther King middle school (shut up) one of my fellow drummers suggested getting a cowbell for his drumset that had 'god of thunder' painted on it. Being idiots we all seriously thought this was a great idea (on a completely unrelated note we also all really teenage mutant ninja turtles were cool). We were of course idiots. Why do I bring this up? Because its my blog.

Note: I originally wrote two more paragraphs actually linking the opener to a discussion of the film, but blogger didn't publish them. I don't really feel like going back to re-write them because nobody actually reads this, but I will say it was pulitzer worthy. As for the film itself, I generally enjoyed it. Its not great, but it doesn't take itself too seriously and moves along at an engaging pace. Thor as a character isn't as interesting as some of the other Marvel heroes, and the 3-D is awful, but overall its a fine, if slight, film.

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