Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Star Trek

I had a whole post worked out about how Star Trek was a difficult film to make given the success of other recent films, like Dark Knight and Iron Man, based on existing franchises, but I gave in to my inherent laziness and decided not to (not to mention I started the previous review in almost the same manner and don't want to be called hackneyed and or cliched - shut up). This is a huge film, you know what its about, and if you don't there are a hundred better written reviews you can peruse. I will say that the film successfully revitalizes what had become an exceedingly stale franchise, and is fairly entertaining to boot. The plot is a little clunky (but I'll forgive it since it sets up the series to go in a new direction), but the film nails the characters and vibe of the original Star Trek that its fans grew up loving. Had they messed that up no amount of slick effects or elaborate plotting could have caused me to really care where the franchise is going. The casting is spot on (with the exception of Winona Ryder as spock's mother which was just disconcerting) and the writing captures the original characters' tone and appeal without coming off as a pale imitation. Provided future installments can maintain this film's tone I look forward to future installments. Almost as much as I'm looking forward to Night at The Museum 2.

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