-The episode begins with Lucas carrying Peyton, in her bloody wedding dress, into the hospital (because calling an ambulance wouldn't have been preferable). And before you get any ideas he didn't hit her with a bat or anything, her mysterious illness suddenly kicked in right after the wedding which apparently manifests itself as plot convenient bleeding and pasing out
-We then cut to Nathan out hitting the bottle in desolation over not having been signed by the Clippers. Will now refrain from easy joke about blake griffin drinking after having been signed by the clippers
-We then fade to black and see Lucas picking a baby out a crib in the next scene. But where's Peyton? Damn you commercial
-Ahh she's in a coma. And lucas has apparently been spending his time pouring root beer floats in her hospital room (seriously they pan over like five full floats next to her bed, and he makes a lame joke about how he may have to drink them all himself if she doesn't wake up soon). Lucas is apparently going off the deep end and I couldn't be happier.
-Everyone is sad
-Mia can't enjoy her new record because Peyton is sick
-Brooke can't sleep because Peyton is sick
-We just learned Peyton's record label is called Bed Bedroom records. WTF?
-Lucas is so sad he's moved beyond five o clock shadow to seven o clock shadow
-Wow, peyton wakes up before the second chimerical break. I thought for sure they would drag this out for an entire episode. You are crafty writers. There is no way she doesn't have at least one more flat line scene before the end of this.
-Hey look Moira Kelly's back. I completely forgot that she was the original headliner of the show. Now she only gets occasional guest spots. Do you think she sits at home throwing beer bottles at the TV and screams, 'I was in The Cutting Edge Damnit!'
-Man, Peyton is home. I'm a little disappointed this coma thing disappeared so closely. Still half an hour left though, there's no way the show lets me down. Something is coming
-Aaah, Nathan gets signed by the Charlotte Bobcats. I guess Raymond Felton is out of a job. If this means Larry Brown becomes a regular on the show, well then I couldn't be happier.
-Dan's back. We can tell he's been having a rough time because he hasn't shaved and his shirt's untucked. For some reason he's back reminiscing and with whitey and he blames all the mistakes he's made in his life on a high school basketball game.
-Jaime has a wi-fi enabled phone, as if I couldn't hate this kid anymore
-Dan starts to act like he's going blow his own head off, but then tries to force whitey to do it. They hug it out
-This scene features Kate Voegele's Inside Out.
-Crap, Millie is staying tree hill. This means more Mouth. I am not happy
-Dan tries to see his new grandchild because 'she's the only one in this world that doesn't know what I've done.' He then spikes her into the cement and runs off. I may have made that last part up. He really quotes Where the Wild Things Are and apologizes for being a bastard.
-Ahh saddling her daughter with her maiden name Sawyer, Peyton reveals that the kid's middle name is Brooke. Sawyer Brooke Scott. Poor Kid
-Ahh Victoria tries to have a mom moment and tells Brooke to go to LA and tell Julian she loves him. This of course makes up for years of neglect and forcing her daughter out of her own company.
-I have to be honest I'm a little dissapointed. So far the episode has just been about tieing up loose ends and making everybody love eachother. Its almost as if the show runners weren't confident they were getting renewed.
-Ahh we have all the characters trading sentences for the closing montage. I really hope they show Nathan trying to play with NBA players. They sort of do, with him being introduced as a starter
-Hey did you know that "Sometimes happiness comes from friends and family, and the quiet nobility of leading a good life," the more you know
-Does nobody on this show shave?
-If this was a movie you'd kiss me right now
No if this was movie I'd say I love you then I'd Kiss you
I Love you
Voiceover: Believe that dreams come true every day. Because they do
I may start crying
-That is one ugly baby Peyton and Lucas have
Anyway actually kind of a dissapointing finale, I chalk it up to the fact that they weren't sure the show was getting renewed, but the fact that the coma didn't last through the entire episode is unacceptable. Still I'll be back next year, and really how couldn I not with this plot description (via CW press release):
In season seven of ONE TREE HILL our beloved characters learn the struggle to live an exceptional life doesn’t end once you’ve achieved your dreams. Whether they found true love, answered a call to greatness, or sought redemption for sins of the past, nothing that’s come before compares to the challenges our characters now face to keep their dreams alive, their friendships intact and their lives full in the place they call home
Gotta love it (really this show has been on six seasons???)Rating ouf ten: 9
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