Wednesday, October 14, 2009


This wasn't an incredibly deep movie, but it was one of the more entertaining 90 minutes I've seen in a theater recently. The film takes place in a post apocalyptic world where a virus has turned everyone into zombies. The protagonist, played by Jesse Eisenberg, is one of the few remaining unaffected people, and he survives by acting much like Woody Allen would if trapped in a world full of Zombies (somebody else's description but its apt). He eventually joins forces Woody Harrelson, a mildly crazy redneck who lives solely to kill as many zombies as possible (and find the last remaining Twinkie). After they hook up with a pair of grifter sisters and the whole group drives off to california doesn't really matter.

The best way to describe the film (again I'm stealing this from someone else) is Midnight Run with zombies. It has a relaxed vibe and low key charm which pushes the proceedings go by in an agreeable manner. The film also features one of the best cameos I've ever seen, and I would do everything possible to avoid learning about it before going in.

Anyway, its not quite up to the level of Shaun of the Dead, but Zombieland succeeded in making laugh, and if you can't enjoy Woddy Harrelson killing zombies while wearing an alligator skin coat and Cowboy hat (yes the hat is also made out of gator skin - probably Tebow), well then I don't want to know you.

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