Thursday, October 22, 2009

One Tree Hill - Deep Ocean Vast Sea

The title already has me excited, and the episode description is:Haley considers taking matters into her own hands when Nathan's scandal threatens his endorsement deals.

Let's ignore for the fact that unless Nathan is suddenly endorsing Berean Bible Bookstores, I can't think of any sponsors that would actually dump and NBA star because of the allegation of impropriety. What interests me is that Haley apparently doesn't decide to get involved until the money get cut off. Perfect.

-Episode starts with a Rainstorm Body Spray commercial getting cut off before the shoot because the sponsor got skittish. The commercial was set to star Nathan laying in bed with a scantily clad model, so this is like Axe dumping somebody who might have slept around.
-Millie is partying for the second night in the row with Alex. We can tell it was crazy because her hair is standing
Dan asks Renee (groupie) to appear on his TV show to tell her story. I'm sure this will go well
-Nathan gets mad when Haley (reasonably) asks about Renee's number showing up all over his cell phone bill. Nathan's response: I'm an NBA star, girls get my number. I respond to each of them individually and explain that while I appreciate their interest, I am happily married and my wife trusts me. This is of course easier than, I don't know, ignoring them. He finishes by saying "I guess I did lie haley...about my wife trusting me." BURN!
-I'm so bored with the Millie as a model storyline
-At least the show acknowledges that Nathan would still be employed by an NBA team with this scandal. It just means he's going to get paid a lot less.
-Now Haley wants to pay groupie off to say she lied, basically because it would be less than what he's losing in endorsements. I wonder if she did the appropriate present value calculations to reach that decision
-Awww, Nathan's agent is already having an existential crisis so this whole Nathan scandal thing is really harshing his mellow.
-I hate to keep harping on this, but the fact that Nathan is losing endorsements is killing me. Kobe actually had to go to trial and all I think he lost was Nutella.
-Julian asks Mia if she ever met anyone on tour who surprised her with their talent. She said Chris Martin (not really). He apparently doesn't believe that Alex could write the improved script. Bigot
-Nathan's agent, Clay, talks to a strange woman in the bar from his past - My guess is that she's a hallucination
-Haley tells Nathan that she's paying Renee, no argument. Momma want a bigger house I guess
-Brooke realizes that Alex is just acting like high school Brooke. Hmmm, I wish I knew brooke in high school
-Mouth goes all network and goes on the air with a heavy handed criticism about the network's coverage of the scandal. He then encourages the viewers to stop watching in protest. It ends with his slow-mo walk out of the studio. Tremendous
-HAHAHAHAHA Millie sneakes some of Alex's diet pills. I'm suddenly liking where this is going. If she ends up crying in the corner after getting addicted I am going to be so happy.
-According to the cast bios 90% of the female cast modeled in teen vogue (my estimate). That includes Mouth.
-Brooke fires Alex and gets mad at Julian - exits by saying 'Ciao Bitches'
-Haley has a change of heart about paying Renee off, but she feels bad because Nathan might lose his career. Seriously.
-Mystery woman apprently not a hallucination
-Millie sneaks off to have a diet pilll...excellent
-Episode ends with Quinn, who previously admitted a fear of the vastness of the ocean, walking off into the sea. It would be awesome if she stays.

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