Sunday, November 8, 2009

One Tree Hill - I just Died in your arms tonight

So now that this whole groupie allegedly ruining Nathan's chances to sign an NBA contract storyline is all played out, what could possibly happen to interrupt the idyllic tranquil of the North Carolina hamlet? Let's find out:

-I accidentally started the episode 27 minutes in and didn't notice for about three. I'm serious. I think this speaks to its timeless nature
-Episode opens with Dan getting a heart transplant in mexico, but he's still awake when they cut him...oh wait it was a dream. Fake out.
-This episode is apprently going to revolve around Julian getting forced to go camping with Nathan and the boys
-Clay hallucinates his dead ex wife coming out of the pool like Phoebe Cates in Fast Times at Ridgemont High. Apparently he hasn't really moved on as much as we thought. His wife, remember she's only in his head, then nags him for not going on the camping trip.
-Just as Nathan says "First rule of camping - pack light" Julian walks up with half of REI on his back. AWKWARD
-Quinn and Brooke feed Haley 'special' brownies which just makes her hungrier. Haley doesn't realize this means pot. My guess is hijinks will ensue.
-Smash cut to everybody watching Wizard of Oz on the couch eating cheetos - well played
-Clay is still in his pool chatting with his dead wife. She doesn't like the outfits he's imagining for her. Even in his dreams he gets nagged. Nice
-Dan hallucinates a bloody body while on air and then passes out. His wife says "We should have saved that for sweeps." Because she's only concerned with ratings you see
-In a flashback we learn that Dan went to Mexico and purchased a new heart for $5,000, which according to Rachel is "A fortune to these people." I assume she means Antoine Walker circa 2009.
-Haley has emptied the refrigerator and is snacking. Brooke is still paranoid. That must have been some amazing pot.
-They then decide to call a Psychic to make a house call. These are some motivated pot heads.
-Apparently Dan hasn't told anyone about his transplant, so everyone believes he's living on borrowed time. Apparently this chance that he could die on air is all that is driving his ratings. That actually makes sense.
-Showing how its right on the pulse of 2007, the show has Julian suggest to Mouth that he give the Internet a try - maybe do some of that web casting thingy. I can already see the storyline where they show how a straight talking sports blob becomes immediately popular and makes tons of money. Much like the NBDL
-The guys sit around the campfire discussing the best Sports movie of all time. Nathan says Field of Dreams - solid. Mouth suggests Coach Carter which Skills says is a strong choice. I really can't say how many things are wrong with that statement. Seriously I could write a book about that insanity. But I won't
-Skills spills how Nathan and Brooke made a sex tape in high school. Julian reacts with restraint and aplomb (he actually does, could it be we have an emotionally developed being on the show?)
-The Psychic says something in latin as she leaves and two lightest weight potheads of all time freak out. They immediately consult a Ouija board to find out if its a curse. Savvy.
-I can't take it - Hoosiers, Chariots of Fire, Miracle, even Invincible all way better than Coach Carter. Though its still ahead of Seabiscuit
-Apparently Clay never told anyone he was married - his dead wife says this is why he's still haunted.
-Quinn (about who we'll just keep ignoring the fact that she left her husband because he made the unreasonable demand that he didn't want to be a starving documentarian any more) shows up at Clay's doorstep. He tells her about his wife, cries, and says 'it doesn't matter how fast you run, pain will always run faster.' Deep
-Dan is haunted by a spectre of the boy he got his heart from. Apparently Rachel paid some family to pull the plug on the kid to get the heart. To reassure him she says
'I did what I had to do to save your life, I'm not a murderer, you are'
Way to assuage your husbands fear by bringing up how he killed his brother. Its almost like you can't trust gold digging ex strippers to be supportive wives.
-In a stunning display of parenting Nathan lets Jaime run off into the forest to examine a strange sound just so Jaime will feel brave. It makes me almost want to have kids, so I can treat them like the proverbial canary in the cole mine.
-Dan decides to go back to Tree Hill. Duh Duh Duh

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