1) Will Smith is a charismatic guy. Seriously, he really has an easy charm and dynamism that even though he was playing a fairly thinly written uninteresting character I still found him watchable. This may limit the range of roles he's able to play convincingly since he's inherently likable, but still you can see why the guy's films gross a billion dollars.
2) Of course I may have felt that way because the third main character was played by the charisma sucking black hole that is Kevin James. Seriously we get it, he's fat and he falls down, but when your entire shtick is based on pratfalls (and not very imaginative ones at that) it gets old real fast. I actually cringed every time he came on screen and flipped back to Family Guy for a few minutes. I get that his films make a lot of money and more power to him, but he's rapidly becoming one of those guys who automatically causes me to consider seeing the new Kate Hudson film in order to avoid his presence.
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