Prometheus is the quintessential 6/10 film. It has a few interesting ideas, looks nice, is reasonably well-acted, and I don't have any real interest in ever watching it again. Here's the
plot recap if you're interested. Anyway, considering Ridley Scott's recent work (Robin Hood, American Gangster, Body of Lies, etc.) being solidly watchable is a huge step in the right direction. I've never been much of an Alien guy (I've seen the first two films once) and if I was maybe I'd be more excited by this, but I do appreciate that it tries to introduce a little more intelligence than than the typical sc-fi offering (even if the execution is mixed).
Anyway there are a couple of holes in the film that I just have to mention (obviously spoilers ahead):
- All of a sudden the captain (played by Stringer Bell with a Texas accent) suddenly realizes the Alien building they've been hanging out in is a military installation with weapons of mass destruction - but he had no evidence to base this on. Seriously its really out of the blue and unprompted. Its almost as if a scene was cut.
- The android's head gets ripped off and laid down on the floor of a ship next to his body. After the ship is blown out of the sky, and then rolls about two miles, his head hasn't moved at all and is still right next to the body. This really bothered me.
-Two crewman are trapped outside the ship at night. They also record everything that happens to them. They are then horrifically killed by Alien snakes. This is all on tape (nobody is watching the monitor's when it happens though because Stringer Bell is off getting busy with Charlize Theron). The next morning when the crew members don't check in, rather than watching the tapes everybody just decides to suit up and go looking for them. This obviously does not go well.
- The main character knocks out two medical personnel, runs around the ship in a drug induced haze, and then performs an emergency C section on herself to remove an Alien baby. She then wanders around some more to get dressed. No one notices (and this is a small ship). This will be important later when the Alien baby becomes a giant squid.
So yeah, there's that.